Feed Additives and Supplements
Showing all 5 results

Entericoal 250 g
Wood charcoal as powder to be diluted (250 g). Also available in 500 g
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BOVIC A 15 g
CFIA-Approved as a Vitamin A supplement for young dairy calves and beef cattle. Easy to use: easier than powder that has to be mixed with water.
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Egg powder
Protein supplement to be used as directed by your veterinarian 250 g

Viable microbial product for broiler chickens. INTERBAC B is a dehydrated live culture of Bacillus, Lactobacillus and Enterococcus. Improves weight gain in broiler chickens when fed as directed.
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CFIA-approved Probiotic
Viable microbial product for broilers to maintain weight gain and feed conversion efficiency when fed as directed.
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